Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Weight loss: Another random blurb

Here are a few words of wisdom for those struggling with weight loss out there-

  • HAVE FUN! I hate exercise. And I mean HATE. But, my weight loss started with dancing. I love dancing (though I'm not very good at it). I was learning some dances for a performance in an anime convention (I'm nerdy and cool like that) and so practicing dances for like an hour a day definitely helped boost my weight loss. Along with that I really wanted to be in shape for the performance. Definitely want to look good in front of a few hundred people, no? So find something that you love to do be it running, dancing, hiking, biking, a sport, and stick with it!
  • Make small goals. I started with 5 pounds a month, which is a really small and healthy weight loss goal. You didn't gain the weight overnight, it's not going anywhere overnight. 
  • Make small, manageable changes. If you switch up your whole lifestyle overnight chances are you wont stick with it. I know I don't sound super confident, but let's be honest, changing is hard. Getting rid of foods you love, exercising everyday, those are big changes. Take this one step at a time and you'll make life long changes instead of temporary ones. 
  • Drink tons of water! Being dehydrated can cause lots of physical problems and can also cause belly bloat (and no one wants that). Plus water will flush out all the toxins in your body, boost your metabolism, and make your skin look as lovely as ever :)
  • Get your sleep. If your body is tired you aren't going to want to do anything. I know that when I'm groggy, grumpy and tired exercising is the last thing on my mind. Getting good amounts of sleep every night will help you be healthier, more energetic, and will also help your body in rebuilding the muscles you worked out the previous day.
  • Don't depend on the scale!!! I can't stress this one enough. The number on that scale you step on every morning does not define you and it doesn't always ring true on how you look. 
Don't worry about the number. As we all know muscle weighs more than fat anyway. Focus on being healthy, not skinny. (p.s. this isn't me, just a pic I found the other day)
  • Stay motivated. It may be hard, trust me I know, but it will be worth it. It takes 21 days to create habits. That's it! 21 days! You can do it :) Even if it means posting motivational pictures, having a workout buddy, or whatever it is you need to do to keep you going.
Most importantly though, try your best to be happy with yourself. Your inner self. If you don't like you it wont matter how much you change on the outside or how many people compliment you. You think it'll make all the difference and change how you see yourself, but only you can do that. Have you heard of body dismorphia? Even the smallest, skinniest girls can have it. Everyone gets self conscious sometimes, and that's ok. Just remember you are you and you are beautiful.


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