Monday, May 13, 2013

Shopping Help!

Alright so this one is just going to be a bit of a ramble but hopefully it will help someone out there. :)

Personally, I LOVE shopping. But, I rarely ever find anything for myself. I'm the kind of girl who takes other people shopping and puts them in the outfits that I think would be cute on them (whether they like it or not haha). When it comes to myself- nope. Not happening. Anyone else like this? Well then listen up! :)

I feel like people like me need to go shopping with...well, with people like me lol Go shopping with a friend who will hand you random cute pieces and even things you would never pick out yourself. You never know what you'll end up LOVING once it's on you :)

Also, know how to dress yourself. Experiment! Find what you like, what you don't, and what makes you look amazing! Knowing what styles flatter you best and what simply will not work will help your shopping experience go over so much more smoothly! (and who doesn't want that?)

There you go, my tip of the day. Happy Monday everyone!


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