Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Lacy Heart Pockets

For those of you who don't know me (and I suppose those who do as well) you should know right now that I love lace. With an unhealthy passion. So today I bring you an adorable lace-oriented DIY that is super simple and can be used as a base for many other projects :) Here we go!

First you'll need a pair of jean shorts or pants that you want to work with. I suggest that the butt pocket be more on the plain side, but that's mostly because I like the simplicity of this look. If you want to cut up pockets that have designs be my guest! I would shy away from pockets with buttons though...

Next you'll want to grab a pencil or white crayon/sewing pencil to draw out your heart (or whatever shape you'd like really)

Next take some clear nail polish and apply all around the outside of the heart. This will help keep your ends from fraying.

Now find some kind of cutting tool and cut out your shape! I used my handy dandy seam ripper but of course you could use a pair of scissors or an exacto-knife. Whatever you have available! It should look something like this...

Now lay the lace inside the pocket and position it how you want. Pin in place or just start sewing!
And here's the finished product! :) I especially like how the white stitching looks along the outside. I was a little worried about it looking bad but I actually like it!

I hope you guys liked this little DIY!
Thanks for looking! :)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

(No sew?) Bow Sleeves :)

Hey there! I haven't done a whole lot on here lately and I'm sorry for that. Life has been kinda crazy and busy lately, but I'm about to make up for it :) Here's a really quick and super cute DIY you can do to just about any t-shirt! Let's get started :)

First, grab your shirt of choice! I decided to experiment on an old junkie school shirt I had lying around, but I'm definitely doing this on a cuter shirt that I'll actually wear :)

Now you'll want to grab your sleeves and cut (starting at the top shoulder seam) following the seam line down as closely and cleanly as you can for about 3 inches

Next- Cut off the cuff of the sleeve just underneath the seam line all the way around
*try to make it look nicer than I did >.< lol*

You'll be using this part as the center of the bow. 
Unfold the cuff and cut two 2 1/2 inch strips

Gather and pinch your sleeves so that it forms a bow shape

Wrap one of the small strips around the center of the gathering to form the actual bow.
Make sure the ends are on the inside of the bow.
At this point you may want to safety pin the strip, try on the shirt and adjust the center
so it sits just right on your arm (not too far back or forward)

After it's adjusted to how you like it you can either use hot glue, fabric glue, or a few simple
stitches to secure the center strip of the bow! (which is why its a possible no sew :) up to you!)

At the end you should have something like this (only cuter)

So yeah...that's basically it :) hopefully this helps some of you out!

Thanks for looking! :)